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  • U-Reach UR930UG Intelligent 9 USB Gold 29 Target - Front view
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  • U-Reach UR930UG Intelligent 9 USB Gold 29 Target - Right view

U-Reach Intelligent 9 USB Gold 29 Target

$6,699.00 (inc GST) $6,090.00 (exc GST)
5.40 KGS
Usually ships within 1-2 weeks
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Product Description




  • Standalone design, no PC required to operate the USB duplicator.
  • Compatible with the USB stick 2.0/3.0/3.1/USB-HDD and other various USB devices.
  • Impeccable copy speed: up to 2GB per min for each port and up to 120 ports.
  • Supports all types of data copy formats while performing bit-by-bit duplication.
  • Supports “Quick copy” for Linux (ext2/ext3/ext4) and NTFS, FAT16/32.
  • Can handle the largest USB capacity available on the market.
  • Handles USB-HDD with a capacity of up to 3TB.
  • Support eUSB (USB-DOM) 2.54mm and 2.00mm (via adapter)
  • Supports log report for better production management.
  • Supports durability test.

The most cutting edge in duplication technology, our Intelligent 9 series USB drive duplicator is professional, standalone and efficient. It can duplicate a full range of USB drives starting from 9 and up to 119 targets. Speed and flexibility are key factors in satisfying customer needs. Its effortless use means a PC or other software are not required; the USB drive duplicator provides a reliable, worry-free copy environment for users, without the risk of virus corruption. This USB duplicator series is integrated with a high-speed compare function to ensure data copies with 100% accuracy. It also boasts quick format capabilities. These features greatly help increase efficiency and production productivity.

The Intelligent 9 Golden series has added some more important functions – Event Log report , Durability test and double source comparison.

The Intelligent 9 USB drive duplicator is an economical solution for data copy and distribution via USB flash drives. It contains smart, reliable and beneficial functions that provide an outstanding performance and quality that will save you time and money.

 Impeccable High Speed

 U-Reach's duplicator can copy up to 2GB/min on all devices, simultaneously and without any speed degradation as number of targets increase.



Supports copying all kinds of USB devices

 With a sufficient power supply and unique design, it can support all kinds of Flash media: USB 3.0, external USB hard drive, MP3 player, etc.


2 kind of Copy Modes

  1. Quick Copy: Only copies data formatted in NTFS, Linux (ext2/ext3/ext4) and FAT 16/32/64.
  2. Whole Media Copy: Copies all data format during bit-for-bit duplication.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Easy Maintenance

With a specially redesigned and improved structure, users can easily change the sockets in 3 simple steps, which takes roughly 1 minute.


Easy Insertion & Removal

The special socket has a guiding design for easy sliding in and out.



 Powerful H5 Flash Quality Checking Tool

 ur910ug.jpg badsector.jpg

Media check H5 is an inspection tool that can process large volume quantity quality testing with the highest efficiency.

H5 offers:

  1. Highest efficiency:checks the bulk quantity all at the same time.
  2. Shows quality testing results 

    Bad:Bad sector quantity 
    W:Writing speed is 
    R:Reading speed is 14.4MB/s
    ​​​​​​​Red Light indicates that the Flash didn't meet the selected standard.

  3. Self-setting standard ​​​​​​​

  • ​​​​​​​Sets a limitation on the bad sector quantity

  • Sets the minimum reading speed

  • Sets the minimum writing speed

 Flash Speed and Capacity Filtration


Real-time PC Monitoring

  • Monitor and control the real-time status via PC.



Operating Log Report

  • Shows machine information
  • Shows detailed information of the Flash devices (VID/PID/SN)
  • Shows detailed operation records of each port
  • Shows the results of each operation



Durability Test

To find out the durability of your Flash devices, you can select the Burn-In function. You can set how long and how many loops the Burn-In test will last for. The range of the Burn-In time is between 30 mins to 30 days.



Double Source Comparison

Double source comparison can eliminate the chance of a duplication error caused by a worn source. Use the first port as a copying source and use the second port as a compare source. It can guarantee the highest reliability and 100% correctness of the duplication result.



Ergonomic and Compact Dimension

The ergonomic dimension is smaller than the traditional Flash Duplicator by 50% to 70%.



Other Features

  • New advanced Multi-Core processor.
  • Completely standalone Flash duplicator, no computer required.
  • Strict bit-for-bit comparison further increases the reliability of duplication.
  • User friendly interface with real time information LCD display.
  • Firmware upgrade is available.

Technical Specs

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